BREAKING NEWS: MP Caroline Dinenage has an enterprising visit to Henry Cort

The Careers and Enterprise visit took place at The Henry Cort Community College on Friday 13 October.  It was an opportunity for Caroline to learn more about the Careers and Enterprise Company and how the company has brought together local schools, business providers and the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to support young people.

The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) was formed after the Government offered local areas the opportunity to take control of their future economic development. It is a locally-owned partnership between businesses and local authorities and plays a central role in determining local economic priorities and undertaking activities to drive economic growth and the creation of local jobs.

The Solent LEP is led by the business community and supported by three university partners, the further education sector, three unitary authorities, eight district councils, one county council and the voluntary and community sector – all working together to secure a more prosperous and sustainable future for the Solent area.

The visit saw examples of how the network has delivered real value in the Solent area.  Presentations were received from Claudia Harris, CEO of Careers and Enterprise Company, Jade Fuller, Enterprise Coordinator for Solent LEP and two representatives from The Henry Cort Community College.

Claudia Cubbage, Principal said “At Henry Cort we aim for outstanding achievement for all students through a supportive and individualised approach, encouraging perseverance and respect in our pursuit of excellence.  We are working towards achieving the 8 Gatsby benchmarks and have created an integrated careers programme which maximises opportunities for students to engage with employers and post 16 institutions so that we provide sufficient and timely advice to enable students to make informed choices about their future. 

The Henry Cort Community College’s enterprise spirit permeates through every aspect of college life. Students are encouraged to identify challenges and find creative solutions to achieve success.  They liaise with local colleges and businesses to develop a skilled and motivated workforce of the future.  The timetable enables them to enhance the curriculum to deliver innovative activities engaging students in enterprising ways.  

Students have:

  • Engaged with employers at careers fairs and speed networking events
  • Explored astrophysics and world of medical research with Southampton University
  • Enterprise challenges, our students presented the winning pitch at Watermark Challenge for a new development in West Quay
  • Developed skills for work and life as part of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme.
  • Debating competitions and employer focused presentations.

The Henry Cort Community College is proud to be one of the first schools to be part of a pilot linked with a business enterprise advisor network to develop careers education which gives students a real understanding of the world of work.  In Year 10, students undertake work experience.  In the lower years students are encouraged to participate in a PiXL Edge programme which develops employability and leadership skills.

Mr Bob Gellett, Assistant Principal said “The Henry Cort Community College has established a strong relationship with Taylor Made Computer Solutions as a result of the Solent LEP and are looking for other local businesses to work with us.”

MP Caroline Dinenage spoke passionately about her priorities in her constituency and discussed working together in the future to encourage the growth of the Network in Gosport. 

Caroline remarked “It was great to visit Henry Cort Community College to learn more about the Careers and Enterprise Company. Ensuring students have enterprise and career skills are key to making sure our young people are prepared for the world of work.”

