

                          Moments matter, attendance counts                                                                                        


Reporting unplanned and planned absences

If your child cannot attend college for any reason, you should contact the college via ClassCharts before 8:30am on the first day of absence.

* To access this feature you will need to go to the ClassCharts parent app and the report absence tab, this will display a list of absences that you have reported, once you have reported them. This includes when the absence took place, the reason for the absence and who acknowledged your absence report.


To report an absence:

  • click on the report new absence button.
  • enter the details of the reported absence into the form provided, please ensure you give details of absence as this enables us to track any trends. You can also include up to 5 files in your absence report as supporting evidence. To do this, click on the attach supporting evidence button and select the files of your choice.
  • click on the submit button to send your child’s absence report.
  • the absence can be edited and deleted until it has been acknowledged by admin team.

ClassCharts screenshot 1   ClassCharts screenshot 2

  • Holidays during term time -  We are not, by law, allowed to authorise holiday during term time and we will be issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice for any holidays taken during term time.
  • Unplanned absence - if your child cannot attend college on any particular day due to illness then please contact the college before 08:30 using ClassCharts.
  • Planned absence - if you know in advance that your child will need to be absent from college for any reason then please download the student planned absence request form Download icon. Complete and return paper copies to reception or email your form to
  • Unexplained absences - if your child is absent from college and we do not know why, you will receive a text message from the college by 10:30am asking for you to explain why they are absent.  This message is part of our safeguarding policy and allows us to be sure that all our students are safe. These messages will always be sent if the absence is not authorised. 

At Henry Cort, the Attendance Officer will contact you about issues with your child's attendance.  They work with students across all key stages in order to support with attendance concerns and queries.

For any further information around attendance, please see our attendance policy below. 



