College expectations and uniform
Uniform | Pre-loved uniform | Hair, make up and jewellery | Rewards and achievement |
The Henry Cort Community College has two official suppliers of uniform, which is Skoolkit and MyClothing.
The college understands that uniform cost matters so we have two providers who offer uniform at differing costs. Please look at both suppliers before purchasing.
Required uniform:
Parents/carers who are unable to purchase the correct uniform for their child due to financial difficulties should approach the college to seek advice and further guidance.
- Tie in House colour tied and with length touching the waist band (Navy/yellow - Triumph, Navy/red - Daring, Navy/green - Invincible, Navy/purple - Victorious)
- Blazer with Henry Cort logo - always worn.
- Long or short sleeved white shirt - not a polo shirt but with collar for tie; must be worn tucked in.
- Trousers, shorts or skirt - Formal black tailored trousers or formal black tailored shorts or black box pleat skirt sitting just above the knee or longer.
- Socks that are black, dark grey or white.
- Tights must be plain black or opaque (not patterned).
- Plain outdoor coats with no large logos (can be worn to and from college over blazers; denim coats and hoodies are not acceptable, and coats and hats must be removed inside college buildings).
- Plain black flat outdoor shoes. Leather trainers that are all black with no coloured logos and can be polished are acceptable.
- College bag (this should be a rucksack or similar, not a handbag i.e. fits an A4 file)
Optional uniform:
- V neck jumper with Henry Cort logo (hoodies or cardigans are not acceptable at any time)
Required P.E. or dance uniform:
- T-shirt with Henry Cort logo
- Shorts - Navy Blue
- Sky blue football socks
- White or black sport socks
- Trainers with suitable support. No plimsolls or canvas fashion shoes
Optional P.E. or Dance uniform:
- Navy blue PE leggings or training trousers with Henry Cort logo as an alternative to shorts. Plain navy-blue or black joggers can be work, but fashion leggings are not acceptable.
Pupil non-compliance: Teachers can discipline pupils for breaching the school’s rules on appearance or uniform. This should be carried out in accordance with the school’s published behaviour policy. We would expect schools to deal with pupil non-compliance in a proportionate and fair way.
We are very proud to offer a pre-loved uniform service at Henry Cort. We have lots of uniform items in various sizes, so if you are in need of some assistance, please contact the college. If you are looking to donate any items of uniform please hand into reception, we will be very grateful for any donations.
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Hair, Makeup and Jewellery
The college takes no responsibility for any lost items.
- 1 small plain stud or sleeper per ear (worn in the lobe)
- Watch
- No nose studs or nose rings
- No other facial or tongue piercings or additional ear/lobe piercings
- No rings or necklaces
- Jewellery must be removed for P.E.
Make-up and hair:
- Discreet make up
- No excessive fake tan or false eyelashes
- Nails of a natural length and no nail varnish or acrylic nails
- Natural hair colours
- No extreme hair styles
- No streaks or obvious dying
- No extreme styles, grade 1 or shaved patterned hair
Students will not be permitted to attend lessons without the correct uniform.
- Ties - We can lend these temporarily if a child has lost theirs
- Blazer - We can lend these temporarily if a child has forgotten theirs
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Rewards and Achievements
Good behaviour is expected by all students at The Henry Cort Community College in order to create a positive atmosphere that supports all students and staff in a calm, safe, happy and stimulating environment. Staff can award House Points in class for a wide variety of positive behaviours, engagement or learning. The wide range of options covers subject specific rewards, in class actions and wider community rewards, including attendance, both sustained and improved. Students can also be awarded house points related to:
- Excellent participation
- Excellent presentation of work
- Consistent attention
- Working as part of a team
- Demonstrating excellent leadership qualities
- Excellent effort beyond expectation
- Demonstrating helpfulness and kindness
- Handing in an outstanding piece of homework
Students could also achieve ‘Student of the lesson’ which is worth two House Points, and receive a golden ticket. If teachers find it appropriate, they can nominate students for a subject award which is 10 House Points and should be awarded by the Head of Faculty. Once a student reaches milestones in terms of House points, certificates are awarded via termly praise assemblies.
Bronze Award - 50 House Points (HPL letter home & pin badge)
Silver Award - 100 House Points (HPL letter home & pin badge)
Gold Award - 200 House Points (HPL letter home & pin badge)
Diamond Award - 350 House Points (APL letter home & pin badge)
Platinum Award - 500 House Points (Principal’s letter home & pin badge)