Home learning and study support

Study Support Remote education Accessing remote learning 

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Home learning is set via Edulink to enhance, support and expand upon class work, thus furthering the aims of the college.

  • Home learning is of a length appropriate to the age and ability of the student.  We expect students in Year 7 to devote between 30-60 minutes per night to home learning.  The amount of home learning should increase as a student progresses through the college and in Year 11, 60-90 minutes per night is considered reasonable 
  • The college has invested in SENECA learning premium for use by students as our primary online learning platform. Parents are encouraged to sign up for an account and link to their child’s henrycort.co.uk email
  • Where SENECA is not used for home learning, the format may vary according to the subject. This could include extended writing tasks, project work and revision opportunities
  • Home learning needs to be relevant to the course of study and make demands upon students in relation to commitment and completion of subjects beyond the classroom
  • Home learning is checked and students are made aware of their results and progress. Assessment could be from the teacher, peers or through self evaluation 
  • Home learning is integral to the Home-School Agreement

To support home learning, we have produced some guided curriculum links for each subject. These can be found on the reports from each term and will contain a selection of curated tasks and website resources that can be used by students as they move to the next level. 

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Study Support

In order to support students in their efforts to learn outside the classroom, we run an after-Study support available Monday to Friday 14:35-15:35college study support session every Tuesday and Thursday in the Learning Resource Centre.  There is a late bus service in operation Monday to Thursday, departing college at 16:05pm.

If your child is struggling with their homework, has no internet access or nowhere to work at home, they can come along any night to get help with their homework or arrange to get support from their teacher. This is a walk-in service and does not require booking.

What if my child does not hand their homework in?

If your child fails to submit homework on time without a verifiable explanation, they will be expected to attend the next available study support session to complete the work.  In order to track attendance and inform parents, staff will refer students by scheduling a study support session using the detention system on Edulink.

The college also runs a kick-start breakfast club from 07:45 every morning. The last entry is at 08:00. There may be a small charge for this club. 

We are aware that some parents are not accessing the Edulink system.  It is important to stress that all communication concerning homework, behaviour and after college support use this system.  We will not be notifying you if your child is required to attend after college via any other method, therefore, please ensure you have access to Edulink either via the website or dedicated smartphone apps.

What happens at Study Support?

Each session is led by staff and students will have access to socially distanced computers.  It is therefore hoped they will use the time to not just complete outstanding homework but independently improve upon it. 

Any students referred to study support by their teacher must have registered at a session to complete and submit their homework, they cannot hand it late to their teacher once referred.  Failure to attend will result in a detention being set.

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Remote learning

Every student can access Google Classroom hubs using their @henrycort.co.uk email. Staff regularly reference the website during lessons, so we expect students to be aware of what they are learning and where they can find it.

Your child should be able to show you how work is accessed by clicking on the hub class and selecting the classwork option.  Most of our resources are in the form of voiced over presentations, along with supporting worksheets. If self-isolating students should email this work to their teachers once complete or print it off and bring it into school when they return. We would recommend parents also ask to be shown this work to check themselves.

If your child tells you, they are not aware of how to access work, or they know nothing about it, please double-check this is honest first.  If further guidance is needed please either call into the IT helpdesk or email them itsupport@henrycort.org

Limited access to IT and the internet is not an acceptable excuse for non completion of work, as the college will loan equipment as necessary.

Please note that homework is still set in the tradition way using Edulink, and Google Classrooms is being used as a repository for work that is being delivered in college.

* To enable narration these presentations will need to be downloaded and opened in Microsoft office external link icon.

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

Every student at Henry Cort has a G-mail address that acts as a login to a platform known as G suite.  The college has made use of a variety of G-suite services. These include:

  • Classrooms (which acts as a virtual learning environment) - each subject has a hub where every lesson is available
  • Meet (for hosting virtual lessons)
  • Drive (for storage of student resources)
  • Editor suite (which includes Google docs, sheets and slides) 
  • Jamboard (as a virtual whiteboard)

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognise that some students may not have suitable online/IT access at home. We take the following approaches to support those students to access remote education:

  • If students do not have a PC, laptop or tablet then as a minimum expectation all households will be provided with a loaned device.
  • The college endeavours to provide each student with their own device, if it can.
  • If students do not have access to a microphone and/or video web camera these too can be loaned out (but please note that mobile phones and games consoles with cameras can also be used to connect).  Physical work will be viewed, wherever possible, using cameras.  If this is not possible, work should be photographed and uploaded.
  • If students do not have an operating internet connection, or stable Wi-Fi, the college can loan 4G Wi-Fi USB dongles.

All the above actions have to be agreed, in the first instance by Mr Parker. The college reserves the right to withdraw equipment if it is abused or there is evidence that it is being requested inappropriately.  Technical Support can also be requested either via the itsupport@henrycort.org address or by phoning directly through to the college switchboard and requesting to be put through.

To view full details of our remote provision please download our remote education provision information for parents download icon.

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